Chalk up another one!
On Saturday, April 9 we joined a hearty group of soon-to-be-shredders in Superior, MT for the grand opening of their new park. As always, the new Evergreen-built skatepark was the result of a ton of teamwork. Lots of credit goes out to the Town of Superior, Jeff Ament and Montana Pool Service, The Skatepark Project, Blackfoot Communication, Weyerhauser Foundation … and a boatload more contributors. After 20+ years of helping in the effort of building parks, one concrete thing we have learned is that nothing happens without a team. Being reminded of this at every turn makes us grateful that we are fortunate enough to have a seat at the park-building table. Huzzah!
Also, we need to give a HUGe shoutout to the Headwaters Foundation for a great financial contribution which allowed us to distribute lots of complete skate decks, pads and helmets to the locals in Superior. Also, the Anaconda-based organization Wear It For Berrett gets our praise for contributing even more helmets for the kids. If you don’t know about W.I.F.B click the link and read up. They’re doing important work for a heartfelt cause.