Anthony Pugh's Bio
Anthony Pugh is a freelance illustrator and comic book artist. Growing up in Minnesota was an odd social climate that was more than cold. The young artist found warmth in the pages of comics and the Midwestern graffiti scene. He quickly built a style that is reflection of traditional and the improvisational attitude of the urban arts. Studying at Minneapolis College of Art and Design he also acquired an internship at Marvel Comics and fell love with New York City. "I would say what fuels my work is the real life experience I have been fortunate to be inspired by" Working as a Social Worker to an After School Art Teacher. Living in Brooklyn, Anthony continues to hone his skills by filling sketchbooks for future paintings and comic book projects.
Clients include: DDBO, Phoenix New Times, Mecca Clothing, Kid Robot, Spike DDB, Pepsi Cola, 11211 Magazine, Vessel Drinkware, City Pages, The Village Voice.
Medium: Acrylic
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