James Fairbanks's Bio
Medium: Acrylic
I moved to Missoula for the seventh grade, finished high school in here before attending art schools in Coronado and Oakland California. After tries at painting, commercial art and retail management in the Bay Area, I worked as a radio personality there and in Monterey. Babies and a lack of courage prompted me to explore a more stable career, this time in property tax appraisal. I started with the Assessor’s office in Salinas, and then moved back to Missoula in 1977 for similar work after thirteen years in California.
I retired in 2005 from the Montana Department of Revenue following twenty-seven years managing the property tax process as Missoula County Assessor. As I often threatened, given time (and lack of need to financially succeed) I would devote my time to painting pictures.
I have a daughter who worked in television, is an elementary school teacher, and a mother of three who manages to pursue a writing career in Spokane. My son is a free-lance artist, stand-up comic and actor living in Venice, California. Both are U of M alums. My wife remains with the Department of Revenue. My stepdaughter attends Hellgate High School. For a time I described myself as retired. Now, to anyone who asks, I’m a painter!
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